
27   November

If you have been wanting to become a member of a charitable foundation for a long time, but do not know how and how you can help other than finances, then this announcement is for you.

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26   November

Smiling, beautiful and happy...

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25   November

These children from the orphanage "Majengo" in Arusha, Tanzania are waiting for their kind Wizard, who will help them get an education at school.

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24   November

Irina continues to share with us her emotions from the holidays with Nastenka in Cyprus

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21   November

The mother of our glorious guest Nastyusha, Irina, talks about her impressions of Cyprus

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19   November

The mother of the charming Nastenka writes to us - Irina

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18   November

Today we meet a new African starlet from the orphanage in Tanzania. Her name is Brightness Thadei.

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16   November

We continue to introduce you to the children from the Tanzanian orphanage "Majengo".

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15   November

Thanks to all guests and participants!

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