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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 15 January, 2024
Our first guests in the New Year 2024!

Jana and Mavriks are coming to visit us in February

Once upon a time there was a 12-year-old boy, Mavriks, and his mother, Yana @yanaleja...
Mavriks is autistic and cannot speak. He perceives and communicates with the world in a completely different way to you and me; he has his own way of seeing and interacting.

Yana's mother has to be with Mavriks all the time, so she cannot work, and her father has left the family - it is a challenge to raise a special child.

Yana and Mavriks are working together, studying and moving forward!
Yana is sure that her son's current condition, his calmness, his attempts to explore the world, his love for sports and his ability to fulfil simple requests are the result of long-term rehabilitation.

Without continued rehabilitation, Mavriks is in danger of regressing, let alone improving. Mother and son can't stray from the path. Now it is important that Mavriks does not forget the skills he has already developed, so that one day he can build a path for his new, brighter day.

Yana and her son need our help, respite and support.
A holiday in sunny Cyprus will give them the strength to carry on. Do you know how this affects our families, especially when you come to talk to them?

Together we can really make this family's life easier. You can gladly and easily transfer any amount to pay for a trip to the sea for Yana and Mavriks. Just think - every Euro you send will bring Mavriks closer to an independent future!

Friends, how incredible it is to be part of this!

Try it! And be sure to visit our guests when they come to Cyprus with your help!


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