About us

The charitable foundation "Rainbow in Cyprus" is unique in its kind. We specialize in organizing vacations and positive rehabilitation for children with special needs, severe, and palliative illnesses. They, like no one else, need positive emotions that will inspire them to fight against the disease after difficult hospital days.

Our mission

Rainbow Foundation strives to create its own reality and charge everyone around it with compassion, hope and joy that brings more and more allies as a great proof that there are so many genuinely kindhearted people around. Good deeds are contagious. Еmpathy and generosity of spirit were always guardian angles of the world. Together with our volunteers, we make children's dreams come true. 

Our philosophy

"Rainbow in Cyprus" - a charitable foundation for children, organized by the people of Paphos.

There is no similar project on the island. Existing Foundations are involved in raising funds for treatment. Parents also have to spend all their money for treatment and rehabilitation, leaving them with no chance to go on vacation and enjoy time without worrying about their children's illness, even for a brief moment.
Our goal is to provide relaxation for those who are in particular need of it. Parents of children who experience pain and suffering come to us. We give them positive emotions, help them to have a break from the hospital routine and grant them holidays by the sea with a programme of leisure and entertainment. We believe that this gives them the strength to go on!

The project is unique in that each of us can give a piece of his good, his capabilities. It can be communication, a walk, going to a cafe, an excursion or just a gift for our guests. Many residents of the island help by providing housing, food, transfers, donations. Thanks to their caring hearts, the volunteer project has grown into a Charitable Foundation and we will be able to give joy to more children.

Our team

Lyudmila Reabova
"Hello, my name is Mila and I am the founder of Rainbow In Cyprus. Our foundation helps children with serious illnesses and palliative children, as well as families in difficult life situations. We organise holidays for children by the sea. Let's make a kindness together!"
Irina Lukoyanova
"Any event, any project, any organisation of the arrival of children with disabilities is possible when it is done together by a lot of kind people with an open heart. I am absolutely sure that good actions are performed by people's hands. Being a volunteer for our foundation is very easy, you just need a little time and love."
Tatyana Beskorovainaya
"Helping is easy! I have my friends and like-minded people by my side. For me, the value of the foundation lies not only in the opportunity to help others, but also in the fact that my sons are learning to lend a helping hand together with me. They have the opportunity to be volunteers. I invite you to join our friendly team!"

Friends and partners

The "Rainbow in Cyprus" foundation actively cooperates with various organisations, business partners and entrepreneurs. Together we realise charity projects, aiming to help those in need, as kindness and care for children are key factors for a better future.

certificate of registration
certificate of registration
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