To get help


Are you single parent raising a child with a disability?  Are you tired and want to take some rest?

What should be done?

Write us a letter with a story about you and your child. Write freely and include the following information in your letter:

 - describe the child's problem;

 - tell us about his hobbies;

 - describe his character;

 - tell us briefly about your family;

 - tell us what you and your child need the most (communication with other children or just relaxing by the sea);

 - what do you expect from the trip;

 - which funds have previously been contacted and on what issue.

The letter must also indicate that you agree to publications about you in the media and on the Internet and documents must be scanned in good quality.

The Foundation is required to collect the following Personal Data. Attach to the letter copies of the documents and reports which confirm the accuracy of the provided Personal, Financial and Sensitive information, namely:

•            Your Foreign Passport;

•            Your Internal Passport;

•            Foreign Passport of the child;

•            Internal Passport of the child (if the child is over 14 years of old);

•            Your contact details (contact telephone number, email and residential address);

•            Birth Certificate of the child;

•            Resolution on the establishment of guardianship (if applicable);

•            Certificate of disability of the child (if applicable);

•            Certificate from your place of employment;

•            Certificate of income of family members for the last year (Tax Declaration);

•            A story about the personal life of a child/Anamnesis;

•            Latest reference from the medical history of the child;

•            The last medical report with the diagnosis of the child;

•            Photos of the child.

Send us an email [email protected].

The maximum letter size is an A4 sheet of printed text.

Based on your letter and the documents provided, the Foundation team will make a decision on inviting you and your child to Cyprus.

We are waiting for your applications!
