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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 18 December, 2023
Charity Auction on Christmas Eve

Unique lot and good actions

"Many of you have probably seen or read Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Story". Yes, yes, we are talking about that very Scrooge and the boy from a needy family. If you haven't, make time during the holidays to enjoy this story as a family.

This beautiful story inspired us to do the following:
The coolest emotions arise when the extremely enjoyable is combined with the extremely rewarding. This was the case with the incredible painting by Irina Sigitova @sigitovart, created in just a couple of minutes accompanied by the music of the band Basta performed by a Rainbow volunteer.

Irina's amazing art inspired me as much as I wanted to support Rainbow for her wards, and I purchased this painting last year for €500 at the Rainbow Charity Christmas Event.

As you know, we moved away from Cyprus and the painting stayed. But it was left for a reason, to serve again for the benefit of those people, children, who really need our support.

Therefore it was decided to sell the painting again to raise the missing funds of 2418 Euros for 13 orphaned children from Tanzania for a year's education (the total amount to be raised is 10218 Euros)
The funds from the sale will be directed to where they are most needed."

Your Natalia


The auction of the painting is now open! 



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