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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 20 January, 2024
URGENT COLLECTION! The dream is just around the corner and It's in OUR hands!

This is what we can do HERE and NOW!

Urgent collection for Liza and her family is now open!


Hello, honoured philanthropists!

Mum of Chumakova Elizaveta is asking for your help.

On 8 December 2021 our life was divided into "before" and "after". On this day we were informed that Liza has Ewing's sarcoma of the right side of the tibia!

Liza is the first child in the family. The pregnancy went normally, my daughter was born on time.  Everything was fine, because we had a healthy and such a lovely little girl! Liza grew and developed, went to school. In the first month of her studies she fell down and hit the shin of her right leg. At school she was examined by a doctor, and ice was applied. By the evening nobody remembered about this incident, everything was fine. However, after a month the leg started to hurt. The surgeon assured us that there was nothing wrong, that it was just growth pains, a temporary thing. The doctor prescribed vitamins and let us go, but Liza's leg was hurting more and more. We went back to the surgeons. Liza had developed osteomyelitis of the right tibia, a severe infection and inflammatory process that affected most of the bone.

Liza had a surgery at the District Children's Hospital in Nizhnevartovsk. Doctors removed a section of the affected bone. Liza received a long course of antibiotic therapy. And then came the happy day: we were discharged home after a long stay in hospital. It seemed that everything was over, Liza had managed to cope with the disease. However, after a while, my daughter's leg started hurting again, and very badly. Liza even stopped sleeping at night. And again the hospital, drips, treatment.... It didn't get better. We decided to go to Nizhnevartovsk, to the District Children's Hospital, to see the surgeons. The doctors urgently sent us for a CT scan. Liza was hospitalised, and I was told that the new growth found did not look like osteomyelitis.

On 18 November 2021, Liza had an open bone biopsy. Based on the results, her daughter was diagnosed with: Ewing's Sarcoma of the right tibia. Treatment began. 12 blocks of high-dose chemotherapy. Endoprosthetic leg surgery, knee replacement. And after analysis of the tumour, it turned out that Liza would also need a stem cell transplant.

The transplant went well, Liza is a good girl, we followed all the recommendations and our daughter recovered very quickly. And we went home, to a happy world without hospital walls, after 9 months of treatment. But after 3 months of happy life at home, Liza had a relapse. A metastasis measuring 4 cm in diameter appeared in her skull on the parietal bone. It was hard to realise that it was happening again. But we are strong and we started the treatment, with a fighting spirit. Operation to remove the metastasis and counter-cidal chemo together with radiotherapy. For 8 months we were treated and everything was stable. But there was another relapse. During the treatment a metastasis appeared in the lung. We were sent to Moscow to remove it and to chemotherapy, the course was changed, the drugs were replaced. The operation went perfectly. Liza underwent radiotherapy on the lungs and 2 blocks of new chemotherapy.

Control examinations and the result: multiple tumour spots in the lungs (both) and in the left femur.

And here it was already clear that the tumour was resistant. And there were no ways left for Liza to cure it. I was summoned for a conversation with the head of the hospital, who said: sorry, we did everything we could. I barely remember walking out of the room. And I don't believe to this day that all this is happening to a girl whose energy can energise an entire world. When we were lying with Liza in the hospital with relapse, we often talked, and lying in bed with chemo dreamed of how we will be cured and immediately from the hospital we will go to the sea with our whole family. We'll take the younger ones and go. We will laugh and dream, enjoy life. Everything turned out not as we dreamed of course, but Liza wants to go to the sea very much. This is her most cherished dream.

Dear benefactors, kind-hearted people, please help to realise Liza's wish.

Without your help we can not cope.

Mum Maria


*The donation fee for the family of 4 includes:

  • Visa processing
  • Air tickets: Sugrut- Yerevan-Larnaka
  • Transfer Larnaca-Paphos 
  • Programme for 14 days
  • Petrol expenses
  • Meals
  • Excursions
  • Entertainment


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