
7   November

Yesterday the "Rainbow in Cyprus" team visited Limassol. We were lucky enough to become participants in the talk show "Island Instinct".

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2   November

Voting for the future winners of the "20 Successful Children of the Republic of Cyprus" Award has started on November 1!

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30   October

Every year, twenty successful people of the island are awarded in Cyprus! Those who, with their work, determination, good heart, have achieved success, popular recognition and benefited society!

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20   October

On Saturday, our charity sale took place at the Almyra Hotel together with the project @eco_cyprus

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12   October

Artistic, fun, interesting, charity picnic in Nicosia!
Our rays of Good embrace more and more people!

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3   October

Last night @caferest_bb hosted our rainbow Talent Show

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28   September

Yesterday our team went to support the Juice of Life charity event, which has been running for 12 years now.

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22   September

Another delicious charity master class was held at @caferest_bb with lovely Marina @mariitali

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8   September

This could have been the headline of a romantic story, but it was the beginning of one of our volunteers getting to know the Rainbow in Cyprus project. @irina_nakipre says

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