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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 3 July, 2021
Drawing together

A wonderful combination of several elements of beauty, femininity, love and kindness!

Under the strict guidance of sophisticated fairies, there is no other name for these magical girls Alfina and Lina, we conducted art therapy "Love for yourself"
Lina's gentle, soft voice plunged us into the world of meditation, where we could feel like little girls in our own hands, love ourselves and the whole world!
We then conveyed this love in paints on canvas! It turned out great! Bright, juicy, colorful! Even those girls who held a brush for the first time drew! And it worked! As if the Universe itself controlled our body!
The female energy flowed like a river and enveloped the whole space!
And the icing on the cake is Alfia's vegan cake with herbal tea and women's talk!
It was impossible to interrupt, but we know everything has a continuation ...
Thank you for participating and hosting the event, to all the beautiful fairies!
As a result of our meeting, we managed to collect 300 euros, which were sent to Timoshka for rehabilitation
We gave this time to ourselves, for the benefit of the world and for @pomogi_timoshe


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