
1   February

Our new friend Mark from Krasnodar @m_ugrekhelidze
Mark is only 2 years and 11 months old. He, like Styopa Zaplatkin from Kirovo-Chepetsk, has SMA - spinal muscular atrophy.

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18   January

It was in a miracle that we believed when we began to support the collection of Styopka @stepa_sma
And today the joy overflows, because the collection is closed! A huge amount (160 million) has been collected.

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31   December

New Year's Eve is a time to take stock. And we, the Rainbow project in Cyprus, also want to do this.

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30   December

Mila Ryabova, the inspirer and founder of the Rainbow in Cyprus Foundation, tells

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26   December

We could not leave our wards children without gifts and fulfilled the cherished dream of everyone. Thanks to you!

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7   December

Oh, Christmas presents!
The pre-holiday fuss has begun and how you want to please your loved ones. What could be better than a handmade gift?

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4   December

We would like to say how amazing you are!

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23   November

"Make a Miracle" - Christmas charity art exhibition. Joint project with Victoria Berg @vikaberg_club, who patronizes the Limassol Dog Shelter

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8   November

We all loved the beautiful children's toy store @toybox.cyprus once again pleased us!

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