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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 13 June, 2021
We are together

Remember the song "Bound by one chain, connected by one goal ..."? So we all - our guests, volunteers, philanthropists are connected by one Rainbow.

Yesterday we split into two teams. Some of the volunteers worked in our office during the sale. The event was attended by our partners @babyboomcyprus @tati.aromablog @pechenki_book @fruit__slice @magnis_cosmetics

And the other part was organizing a picnic for our guests from Ukraine.

The day brought many surprises, gifts and joyful moments that the children will remember for a long time.

Everything was bright, tasty, fun, fruitful and unforgettable!

Each new picnic guest came with a huge watermelon. And now we have watermelons in Cyprus, mmm .... very sugary and sweet.

At the picnic, we had an impromptu concert with an electric guitar and singing along to it. Thanks to our volunteers Kostya @webliner and Tanya.

Nikita and Vanechka were delighted and even tried to dance!

And also, the boys played volleyball with a real professional! We thank our guest Roman.

Dances, songs, games and, most importantly, children's laughter! That's what our project was created for. Give joy to children and their mothers!

As a result of this day, 500 euros were collected, which will give us the opportunity to partially pay for tickets for Lilia @liliya_help2012


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6   August

Rainbow expands its horizons and covers more and more countries, erasing borders and bringing joy to many families around the world!

23   July

Shouted Mishutka on the way ... 
