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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 2 August, 2022
Meet Stanislav!

Mother's letter

"Hello! My name is Natalia. I am contacting you for the first time.

On November 5, 2009, twin boys were born prematurely at 27 weeks. The first baby died 10 days later without coming out of a coma. The second son with a weight of 830gr 33 cm survived. Was on ventilator for 2 days. He was in intensive care for two months. All the time while the son was in the hospital, the doctors fought for his life. He suffered intrauterine pneumonia. Psychomotor development with a delay. He holds his head from 5 months, sits from 9, from 11 months he began to roll over on his stomach and back, from 1 year 1 month he gets on all fours, crawls from 1 year and 5 months. Started walking with support at the age of 2. From the age of 6 months, she was registered as disabled with a diagnosis of Retinopathy of Prematurity. At the age of 1 year and 1 month, I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. We clung to every opportunity: we treated our son in St. Petersburg, Moscow. We regularly undergo treatment in Ulyanovsk. Due to retinopathy, two operations on the eyes were performed. Thank God they saved their sight. In 2014, I had an operation on my leg. In 2016, Stas underwent another operation. The child spent two months in a cast (legs), and then for another six months he walked in apparatus on his legs. Now Stas is already 12 years old, he went to a boarding school for vision. The boy is very smart and interesting, his intellect is not disturbed. He is fond of computer games, goes to vocals and drawing, is engaged in hippotherapy, chess, swimming pool.


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