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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 15 July, 2022
Fairy tale in reality

Sometimes a fairy tale comes into our lives unexpectedly, as well as for our new guests.

"It was unexpected to receive such an unusual letter. You expect miracles, but you never cease to be surprised by them. Thank you for your attention to us.
Life today is not easy for everyone, and it is even more joyful to learn about people with kind hearts who are engaged in support.
Many years ago, when I began to notice children and think about my own children, I really wanted them to be unusual. But I could not even imagine such a uniqueness. You dream about special talents, but you get refracted reality.
The eldest son is 28 years old, he has autism. At an early age, he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and a problem developed on an organic basis. Difficulties in this situation are like a snowball: the further the more. For a long time they could not stabilize psycho-emotional reactions. Literally, about 5 years ago, we managed to advance in medical correction. Contact with aliens is difficult, but possible.
My daughter is 16 and has a chromosomal change - Down's syndrome. The diagnosis was obvious at birth and turned out to be a butt. It took time to realize the specifics of your microcosm. I try to do my best for us. Life is worth living. There was a kind of symbiosis: me and my children. Their well-being depends on me, and they are my driving force. I try to see the good in every day. In difficulties, steps for growth. That's how we live.
We love travel very much. Health restrictions are not a reason to limit yourself in joys.
I am sincerely grateful to you for the invitation, Children with autism are called Rain Children, and children with Down Syndrome are called Sun Children. It turns out symbolically when the sun illuminates the drops of water after the rain - a rainbow appears. That's the story."


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