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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 11 October, 2021
Happy to announce!

And again good news.

We are glad to inform you that on October 23 we are welcoming new guests - Yaroslavchik and his mother Yana @ianakudintsova

The guys will stay with us until October 29 and stay at the Ascos Coral Beach Hotel.

Funds for these holidays were collected at the events that we held in September.

Believe me, we try very hard to make each event fun, educational and just sincere. In addition to labor, time and effort, a piece of our heart is also invested there ...

Thanks to everyone who participated in our events! After all, thanks to your activity, someone's dream of the sea becomes a reality.

And in October, we already held Art Therapy and a Masters Fair. Thanks to which they collected more than 800 euros.

This week we are holding a charity lottery on Instagram, the cost of 1 ticket is 5 euros, but this small contribution to a big cause

Also on October 24 we are waiting for you at the concert "Sounds of Autumn"

We will be glad to see you and your friends. Hugs. And see you soon!

Your Rainbow


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