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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 1 September, 2021
Post-meet our new family

Getting to know a new family - Ekaterina and Olenka

Post-acquaintance with our new family.
Hello. My name is Ekaterina. I am 43 years old @ekaterynasamodielko
Once I was a successful careerist. At the age of 31, I occupied a managerial position and next to me was, as it seemed, a reliable man.

At this perfect moment, the Lord gave me a gift - pregnancy. I immediately planned that I would be on maternity leave for a year, and then I would go to my favorite job. I found out that there would be two children only at the third ultrasound and realized that I would be on maternity leave longer.

I followed all the doctor's recommendations and was an ideal patient. However, at the 30th week of pregnancy, something went wrong: my body began to itch and become covered with wounds. The district gynecologist, out of inexperience, simply sent me home. A few days later I went to another gynecologist. Ultrasound showed a catastrophe: one of my children was dead, the second already had a very weak heartbeat. And then ... God just paved the way for me:

At this time, all the doctors of the maternity hospital gathered in the next room for a meeting, and the operating room was prepared for some kind of planned operation. All the doctors who were present at my ultrasound recommended that we urgently perform a caesarean section, because. I already had sepsis, and I could simply not live until the next day.
Only thanks to the will of the Lord and the efforts of doctors, both my daughter and I survived.

For days they did not tell me anything about the child, but I knew the most important thing that she was alive!

On the fourth day, I was transferred from intensive care to the maternity ward. Through terrible pain, I reached the children's intensive care unit and saw my tiny beautiful girl. Olga was in a very serious condition: she did not breathe on her own, did not swallow, there were absolutely no body movements, she did not even open her eyes. But I felt that she was a fighter, despite the fact that the ventilator breathed for her, and food was introduced through a tube.

The doctors said that Olya's brain was badly damaged, she spent too long in the cadaverous waters next to her dead sister (my girls were identical).

I was warned that if the child survived, he would have a severe form of cerebral palsy, and offered to leave her in the maternity hospital. Olya's heartbroken dad accepted this offer, but I said no, and he offered to choose between him and the child ... I chose my daughter!


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