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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 21 February, 2022
Letter from mom..

Hello! My name is Olga. For many years I dreamed of becoming a mother, and now, the long-awaited daughter Christina appeared.

But she was born prematurely, at 6 months, very small, only 1 kg, she did not breathe on her own, we spent 6 endless months in intensive care. It was a fight for life. At 9 months old, we first got home, Kristinochka weighed only 4.5 kg. Then resuscitation again. For the first year of life, we were at home for one week.

At the age of 2, Christina was seriously ill with a viral infection, then she was treated for meningitis for a long time. There was a respiratory arrest, doctors diagnosed hydrocephalus.
It was necessary to urgently do an operation, a shunt was installed. By that time, Christina could sit on her own and eat from a spoon, and after the operation, the child turned into a recumbent, fed through a tube. I had to learn everything all over again.

The three of us lived, with my mother, who was support for us (we are divorced from Christina's father). When Kristina was 5 years old, her mother died. And during this period, we had to go for a second operation to replace the shunt.
It was very difficult...

Now Kristinka is 9 years old, we are in a special boarding school for blind and visually impaired children. To be closer to my child, I received a second education and work as an educator in the class where Christina is studying. We live together and spend most of our time together. Kristina can't see, she can't walk on her own, only with support by the handles, but this is already progress!

At school, Kristinka has friends who are just like her, "special". There are not many of them, but they are comfortable together. They have their own little world and their games. Equally important is communication with new people, sounds and sensations. At school, Kristina loves music lessons most of all, she has a very developed sense of rhythm. She loves to sing songs and dance, in her own way, of course.

Kristinka is a cheerful and good-natured girl, she really feels the intonation with which she is addressed and is always happy for friendly communication. The positive emotions of my daughter are the greatest happiness for me.

Diagnoses: broncho-pulmonary dysplasia, CNS damage, hydrocephalus, partial atrophy of the optic nerves, developmental delay.


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