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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 12 March, 2021
Incredible and wonderful news

Writes @stepa_sma

"Our dear wizards..."

“Our dear wizards, we are in a hurry to share great news with you - today our boy received his long-awaited Zolgensma injection!
The 11th is the lucky number for our family. After all, on January 11, our son was born, and on March 11, thanks to each of you, he received treatment that will change his and our lives.

You saved the life of our Stepych and it is hardly possible to find words to thank you.
We will always remember your care, support, help and your prayers.
Thank you for not turning away from us, but for lending a helping hand and walking this path with us.

Ahead, there is still a huge and hard work, but today I just want to shout "Hurrah! We did it!"
Thank you for everything! »


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