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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 2 October, 2022
Our Mila

This week after the foundation's birthday, we publish posts of gratitude.

These are not just words for us, this is an opportunity to express gratitude to EVERYONE who is with the fund these days.

We coordinate these posts, trying not to forget everyone. But this post will be a surprise for our Milochka! @mila.ryabova.l

I can't call it anything else. Darling. Lyudmila Ryabova is the founder and founder of the fund.

This little woman with a huge heart. Her love and tenderness seems to be enough for the whole world. The soul and heart of the foundation. Without her, there would be nothing.

She finds words of support always and for everyone. To every mother of a sick child who loses faith that a miracle is possible, to every child, to every volunteer.

The man who conquered Kilimanjaro, who conquered hearts.
Her Faith in miracles is sometimes amazing, but thanks to her they happen.
She makes the impossible possible.
Honey, thank you for being you!


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