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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 17 July, 2020
We are after the same Rainbow's end

"Rainbow in Cyprus" is a charity project for children organized by the people of Paphos. We are not a foundation, but simply a group of people who, with their own efforts and the efforts of kind people who help us, organize the arrival of children with cancer and cerebral palsy to rest on our island. Sometimes this is their only outlet in a series of hospital days. Children come for holidays by the sea with a cultural and entertainment program.
The project is unique in that everyone gives a piece of their goodness and their capabilities. This includes housing, food, leisure, transfer, and escort.

Our goal is to provide relaxation for many. But, of course, we can't do it without support!

How can we help?
1. If you have the opportunity to help with the provision of housing, payment for leisure activities, its organization, transfer, write to us. This is always relevant.
2. Participate in our sweepstakes. All funds are used to pay for tickets for children and organize recreation, and even 5 euros make the arrival of a new child more real.
3. Provide lots for our raffles if you are a creative person or a craftsman.
4. Order T-shirt printing - the cost is only 15 euros, and the creativity of a gift for a loved one can be much more valuable.
5. Make a donation. Write to us on our social networks.
6. Repost and tell your friends about us.

Help is easy! And with your support, we will be able to fulfill the dream of even more children!


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6   August

Rainbow expands its horizons and covers more and more countries, erasing borders and bringing joy to many families around the world!

23   July

Shouted Mishutka on the way ... 
