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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 6 May, 2022
Dreams Come True!

И мы точно знаем, как это сделать.

If you want to learn more about the process of making films, be on the scene, see the backstage, and also buy things that famous Hollywood and Cypriot actors starred in, then you are definitely in the right place!

If you are planning to spend a couple of hours on your day off, watching your children play with animators and participate in exciting master classes (isn't this the dream of all parents) - then you are definitely welcome to us!

If you have been thinking about shopping for a long time, but everyone was putting off the time - then you are definitely in the right place! We invited the best craftsmen of the island with their wonderful products to our fair!

And when the dream of each of you comes true, we will make the dream of one little girl Milana from Kazakhstan, a ward of the Rainbow in Cyprus Foundation, and her mother even more real. And it is very simple - to live! @help_milanadereberya

Are you with us?

Where? The green lawn with the amphitheater of the St. Raphael (entrance from the parking lot between the hotel and Malindi). We will definitely meet you!

When? May 14, Saturday, 15.00.

How? We will be glad if you support the event by coming in the colors of your dreams - pink, blue, white.

With whom? Definitely for the whole family, with children, friends, relatives. An evening of music, kind words, deeds and hugs. Just what is needed right now!


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