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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 8 July, 2021
A little angel

A little angel ran towards...

...open your arms wide! She instantly jumped into her arms and gently pressed her cheek! As if the angel himself hugged you! My heart rejoiced with joy and emotions! A sunny kind man flew to our Sunny Island! How much light and warmth in it! How much joy and emotions! You hear her joyful delights and from this the heart sings!
Words cannot convey all the feelings!

We invite you on Saturday at 17.00 in Gardenscap to our master class, where you can not only learn how to cook vertuta, listen to a virtuoso performance on the violin, but also get to know Lilia

And on Sunday at sunset, a walk to the Blue Lagoon on Nafsika!
Join Rainbow!
It's fun with us!


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6   August

Rainbow expands its horizons and covers more and more countries, erasing borders and bringing joy to many families around the world!

23   July

Shouted Mishutka on the way ... 
