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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 20 June, 2020
Small and brave Rustamik

Dear ours! All those who support us and help us take small steps for good! Grandma Rustamika from Kazakhstan turned to us for help. For the past 5 years he has been treated for cancer. The boy has stage 4 neuroblastoma. Grandmother does everything in her power, but the hope and will to win over the disease sometimes fade...

Dear ours! All those who support us and help us take small steps for good! Grandma Rustamika from Kazakhstan turned to us for help. For the past 5 years he has been treated for cancer. The boy has stage 4 neuroblastoma. Grandmother does everything in her power, but hope and the will to defeat the disease sometimes fade... We planned that Rustamik would come to us, and he promised to do it, but for now, alas, we need to fight. And the collection for further treatment of the boy was suspended. On June 30, they need to fly to Korea. In the near future, expenses of about $ 10,000 are coming. This is the cost of tickets, accommodation, puncture, tests, etc. This is the final stage of treatment. So much has already been done and there is very little left. Please post this information on your pages. Any amount will help. Even the smallest one. We can team up and do a little bit of a big thing!
Archimandrite John Krestyankin said this: “Wonderful path of “small deeds”, I sing a hymn to you! gird yourself with small deeds of good - a chain of small, simple, light, worthless good feelings, thoughts, words and deeds ... "

Thank you for your kindness and generosity.


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