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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 5 February, 2024
Lisa's dream CAME TRUE!

With your support, we made a dream come true!

"Do you believe in the power of thought? In magic? In miracles? Do you believe that they happen in our lives?

You live and dream about something, imagining how it will come true. How you can touch your dream with your hands, soul, heart... And I will tell you - believe and never give up your dream! And it will definitely come true!

And there are such people who are like guides to dreams. They meet on your way, and you admire them. Their responsiveness, their openness, their big and kind heart, their ability to love and appreciate. They just take you by the hand and open your dreams for you ....

For us @rainbowincyprus became that very guide. Simply made our dreams come true, welcomed us with fragrant beautiful flowers from @aroma_flowers_cyprus, showed us the natural world with @pafos.zoo, taught us how to make the healthy sweets with  @katysha_marshmallow_, taught us how to make real Italian pizza with @siciliapizzacy, and afterwards fed us with great Italian food at @RIMINI.ITALIAN.RESTAURANT. But that's not all...

We discovered the world of great photos and posing with @svetlana_iv_yan, and just a world of kindness with @itatosha. We were treated with strawberries straight from the garden thanks to Marina Myasishcheva and cooked borsch from vegetables from her farm, experienced hippotherapy with Yulia Khudyakova and opened a new world of managing our emotions....  There are people who are not on social networks, but they do a common big and good deed.

Thank you to everyone involved in the realisation of Lisa's dream, and may all dreams come true!"


Maria, Lisa's mum


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