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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 31 December, 2020
New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve is a time to take stock. And we, the Rainbow project in Cyprus, also want to do this.

Yes, for now we are just a project that has been created and continues to be inspired by people who are on this video and those who could not be, but are always there.

Having started our activity by organizing visits for children with disabilities to Cyprus, during this difficult year we were able to raise more than 14 thousand euros thanks to all of you

Until the middle of the year, we could not hold events and organized online drawings, thanks to which we collected 2492 euros (thanks to everyone who participated)

After the quarantine was lifted, we had wonderful holidays for children and adults - a photo picnic at the Anabel Hotel, a charity evening at the Elysiya Breeze, a celebration at the ToyBox, a garage sale at the Almira Hotel, an Art Picnic in Nicosia, master classes for children at the Rest Cafe. The amount collected at the events amounted to 3638 euros.

Christmas gift baskets 470 euros
But the bulk of the funds are your donations of 7628 euros.
Thank you all for your help.

Transfers were made from these funds
@stepa_sma 5850 euros
@help_milanadereberya 1450 euros
@help_rustamy 1066 euros
@anna.panchenko_help 725 euros
Sending parcels to Ukraine and transfers 883 euros
Transfers to other children and New Year's gifts 569 euros
Project costs related to the organization of events EUR 905
Buying tickets for children (so far, alas, we only have vouchers on hand, but we believe that everyone will come to us on vacation next year)

From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you on the coming year and believe that next year together with you we will be able to help even more children.


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