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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 2 September, 2021
The story of Katya and Olya. Continuation.

We continue to tell you about these brave and beautiful mother and daughter

I was taken care of for three weeks. Olya spent 1.5 months in intensive care. What a joy it was when I took my child in my arms for the first time! Then there was the pathology of newborns. And only 2 months after the birth of our daughter, we got home.

The child’s muscle tone increased greatly, despite the fact that we immediately began to study, and for two and a half years I lived almost without sleep: Olya fell asleep only in my arms, and her sleep lasted from 10 to 15 minutes. Then, the whole body began to bend from muscle tension, and Olya woke up in pain.

Without sleep, exhausted, I already stopped asking God for help, and only asked him to take us to him, but only two at once, because we cannot live alone. It seemed like it would never end.

And then just a complete acceptance of the situation came, and I said to God: "I accept everything that You give me and I am grateful to You for everything."

From that moment, everything began to level out: Olya's sleep improved, so I also began to sleep. Months of grief began to change into moments of joy. Life took its course.

Olya will soon be 12 years old. All this time, we have been doing a lot with specialists at home and going to rehabilitation, like many others who find themselves in a similar situation. Olya grows and develops at her own pace. And for me, the greatest happiness is to at least sometimes see the smile of my child ...

In 2019, another test awaited me, I was diagnosed with papillary carcinoma (cancer). I was operated on. Histology showed metastasis, so they also underwent irradiation with radioactive iodine. Now I am in remission.

My life has changed very dramatically over these 12 years, and, despite the difficulties, I have learned to appreciate what I have and am grateful to everyone for being in my life.
And also, as a sign of gratitude, Katya wrote a song for our Rainbow Foundation in Cyprus!
Friends, come to our charity sale on September 12! Let's help create a miracle for Katya and Olya: the proceeds from the sale will be used to buy tickets to us at sea!


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