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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 9 February, 2022
The story of Anfisa and her mother

Another heartfelt story from one of our families

"My name is Victoria. I am raising two daughters. And this life story began in the 2000s. My husband and I really wanted a child, and we were waiting for this for about 3 years. But unfortunately, there was a miscarriage, then a severe infection, 8 months of treatment But after everything we had experienced, God sent us another opportunity to become parents and our long-awaited daughter Taisiya was born. And it was such a miracle that we decided that we wanted another child, a year later our daughter Anfisa was born. The birth was very difficult, premature and rapid. Anfisa was on the verge of life and death. More than 2 months in intensive care on an artificial respiration apparatus, then in neonatal pathology. After 3 months we were discharged, but the threat to life still remained. Treatment, doctors, many pills, tests, procedures , sleepless nights. Doctors did not give a chance that the child would see, hear, recognize, walk, speak and understand. And then a new struggle began for Anfisa's chance for a normal life. It was very difficult, because there were 2 small children in her arms th-weather. We gave our daughters a lot of energy, time and resources.

Since 2013, new challenges awaited me. I divorced my husband, then I was diagnosed with cancer. Operations, 2 irradiations with radioactive iodine. I am currently in remission. My daughters are now 16 and 15 years old.

Despite the fact that Anfisa cannot only walk, stand and sit, she moves in a wheelchair and cannot do without outside help, she is a smart, very kind and sociable girl. Taisia is talented and responsible, ready to help and support not only relatives, but also strangers. He cares about animals and dreams of becoming an ecologist in order to save the nature of the planet. They are my most wonderful children.

Recently, our friends Samodelko Katya and Olya shared their emotions about a trip to Cyprus! And literally infected us with magic! We dream of getting to this heavenly place and diluting our lives with such bright colors!"


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