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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 14 September, 2021
Let's play together "Gamers"

It will be a role-playing game in which we will transform into different characters and play enough. Meeting duration ~ 1.5 - 2 hours

Let's talk a little about how games affect children's development:

• Cognition of the surrounding reality: children learn the purpose and properties of objects. In parallel, all types of memory, thinking, imagination, attention develop.

• Improving physical skills: the child masters various movements, learns to coordinate and harmonize them. With the help of outdoor games, children get to know their body and learn to control it.

• Imagination development: in the process of playing, children endow objects with new, sometimes unusual properties. Moreover, they understand that everything is happening "for fun", but "really" they see in a stick - a horse, in the leaves of a tree - banknotes, in clay - dough for a pie.

• Development of speech: in the course of role-playing games, the child pronounces his actions, plays out dialogues, distributes roles, and agrees on the relationship between the characters in the game.

• Development of moral and moral qualities: the child draws certain conclusions about actions and behavior during the game. However, it requires an adult who will help draw the right conclusions from the current situation.

• Emotional development. Toddlers learn to sympathize with their peers, support and pity them, rejoice and empathize. While playing, children "work through" their emotional problems - fears, anxiety and aggressiveness, which is why play therapy is one of the leading methods for correcting children's behavior.
That is, all aspects of the body and personality of a small person develop in the game.

The “better” the child plays, the more intensively the frontal cortex develops, which is responsible for the majority of cognitive functions - the most complex processes controlled by the brain: memory, speech, intellect, performance of purposeful actions and a holistic perception of reality. The child learns to distinguish important information from non-essential, to realize and organize his own thoughts and feelings, to plan his actions.


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