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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 6 February, 2022
And another sale

Yesterday there was a charity sale in our foundation.

It seems so simple, but it is the work of many kind hearts and hands.
People donated new and in good condition things, toys, books, shoes.
Our volunteers have been hanging everything for several days, laying it out for the convenience of those who come to buy.

Our friends, masters of sweets and pastries brought their sumptuous treats

A play area was organized for children so that parents can safely go shopping.

We have a huge number of new toys for all ages donated to the fund by Vitaly Dultsev and we sell them for 50% of the cost.
Our guests, each of whom came, made purchases and this became a contribution to one big deal. The fee is 470 euros. This means that soon another family with children with disabilities will get a chance to fulfill their childhood dream of seeing the sea.
During this week you can come to our office and choose toys and things for yourself and your children. Let's collect the rest for the arrival of new guests? We are sure we will succeed!


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