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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 5 October, 2021
Let's get acquainted!

This sweet and wonderful baby is called Yaroslav or Yasik, as his mother Yana and older sister Katyusha call him.

Yasik is 4.9 years old. He lives alone with his mother in the city of Marganets, Dnepropetrovsk region. The older sister Katyusha is 21 years old and now she already has her own family.

When Yasik was born, his own mother left him in the hospital. Yana adopted him when he was 8 days old. The baby was premature, with a weight of 1900 and a height of 45 cm.

The first year was very difficult. Yaroslav was sick a lot and did not gain weight well. When he was 3 years and 9 months old, he was diagnosed with Childhood Autism, with subgroup A.

Yana's mother is also disabled. Diabetes mellitus type 1.

Despite the fact that Jasiek does not speak, still wears diapers and eats food only from a blender, he also has achievements.

The kid knows colors, animals, seasons, shapes. He puts together puzzles up to 100 pieces. She loves to play constructor. Learned about 5 words.

From a letter from his mother: “Trains are everything! The word “tutu” (train) sounds all day long. And cartoons with trains and train toys and real trains are his love.”

And Yasik loves WATER! Together with their mother, they were at the local reservoir and swam in the pool with friends. And it was an incredible delight!

Can you imagine what joy it will be when the baby sees the SEA?

And the sea is so necessary for him to get stronger, start eating better and just get healthier.




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