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8C2E38AD-4E90-4701-8933-CA61B375DFA2 24 September, 2023
5th Anniversary Birthday!

24th of September in the company of close friends and like-minded people, our Foundation celebrated its 5th Birthday.

"Rainbow in Cyprus" foundation Birthday party was held under the motto CREATE! INSPIRE! CONTRIBUTE! and was bright, rich, warm and heartfelt.

Coral Residences by Korantina Homes gathered people who are close in spirit, united by the ideas of kindness and mutual help. Thanks to everyone who came to support and congratulate us on our small anniversary!

We would like to thank:

Korantina Homes @coralresidenceweddings - the general sponsor of the event, for providing the venue and tasty treats.

Ekaterina Monastyrskaya, the organiser of the event, and the wedding company @mystery_wedding.

The best host - Evgeny Mironov @evkormir

Co-host - Victoria Pai @viktoria_pie

Talanted magician - Alexander Zamashka @zamashka.ae


Charismatic and unique artists: Fabio, Anastasia Maksimova, Anna Kulikova, Savvas Christodoulou, Anna Senkova, Konstantin Chekmak, Marianne Rosset, Gymnastics Katerina Ostrovskaya, Studio Chameleon, Oshow entertainment, Olga Nikola and Dmitry, "Music Box" Party Band, DJ.

Special thanks to the volunteers of the Foundation who invested a lot of work, effort and time to make this party possible!

We share all our heartfelt wishes for the Foundation with you, our friends, who have been involved in our activities in one way or another. We wish you all peace, kindness and prosperity.

Foto @ketsi18


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